About Me

Name: Mari
Birthday: July 2nd
Blood Type: O+
Zodiac: Cancer / Tiger

Likes: Cold weather, Cute characters, Online shopping, Cartoons, Visual novels, Anime and manga, Old and retro consoles and videogames, Learning new things!

Dislikes: Summer, Hot weather, Bigotry, Olives, Crowded places, Loud noises, Baloons and fireworks.

Skills: Puzzle solving, Drawing, Animating, Sewing, PC buiding, Old console restoration.

As you can problably see I'm a huge Sanrio fan since my childhood, I always adored collecting little Hello Kitty plushies, had an album full os Keroppy's stickers, etc. Now a days I'm an animator in the Hello Kitty and Friends Supercute Adventures!! Yaaay. It's on youtube for free, and has english and portuguese dubbing! It's a wish that was granted for all my years of studying animation (and a lot of luck too, of course!). But as boring as it may sound, in the end of the day, it's just another job at another studio. I still have a very long path ahead...

So I'll stop with all that rambling for now! I made this blog so that I could learrn a little more about coding and comunicating better in english. If you see some weird typos, something that doesn't make sense or a sentence that could be wordly better, feel free to send me a message at 𝑀𝒢𝓇𝒾 ✿#0551 on Discord so that I can fix it! (this is temporary, I'll add a form for this type of stuff on the site in the future!) you can send me a letter in the "About Me" section in the top right sidebar!

- See u around, web surfer

My Gender Expression

Your Result: Androgynous
You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.
Quite Feminine
Quite Masculine
Very Feminine
Very Masculine
What Is Your Gender Expression?