October 03 ✦ 2023
- Kinda of a late update, since I had so much work to do ( ̄︿ ̄)
- We have mobile support now! (kinda)
- Moved some stuff around in the navigation menu
- Because of multiple bugs and issues the mouse trail had to be removed
- Overal code improvments
- Overal site optimization
August 10 ✦ 2023
Added a bunch of stuff and mad a lot of changes in the VNs page!
Now it includes
links for all the games in the Zero Escape series.
I'll soon add links for Umineko and Higurashi as well!
Now each game/series in the VNs tab will have it's own dedicated
page (They deserve a little space for them (´・ᴗ・ ` ) )
- Added cute icons in the navigation page ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )
- Made some slight visual changes in the sidebar
- The spoiler tags in the VNs page were slightly improved
July 15 ✦ 2023
Made some big changes in the code of the site as a whole!
Visually there's barely any difference, but 95% of the code were
changed! Everything should load way faster now, and the site
will look a little less worst in mobile phones
It still doesn't look good to be usable, but we are slowly
getting there. It's just not my priority rn (´ ∀ ` *)
June 15 ✦ 2023
HUGE UPDATE! I'm now using an IDE to edit the site so
now I'll be able to make bigger updates instead of smaller
updates from time to time.
Chaged the layout slightly so that the site doesn't look too
Removed the "Chat" tab and added the chatbox to the home tab to
be more accessible.
Moved the "About Me" tab to the sidebar instead of the navbar.
Removed some of the text in the home tab that were more about me
and added it to the "About Me" page
Pages that are inconplete will now have a "Under Construction"
sign, so you don't have to read ipsons anymore.
- "About Me" page now have new art, and a more fitting style.
- "Sweet News" was renamed to "Journal".
April 15 ✦ 2023
The site now have a button!!
Feel free to add it to your site! If you want to have your
button here in the web tab, hit me up on discord!
- Added the Webring tab!
- Changed the header text so it doesn't looks too cluttered
- Added a cute counter in the navigation windown (^• ω •^)
- Added some GIFs and PNGs here and the for some pizzaz
Added the Special Thanks tab! It's crediting every site
that I use related to website making in some way or another (´。•
ᵕ •。`) ♡
- Changed the link color to make it more visible
April 14 ✦ 2023
About Me tab was updated! And have some info about me
(.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Added the Sweet News tab! I'll update it with some cute
information that you might wanna know!
Added a Scrapbook tab! I'll add some mini pixels,
dividers, bgs, stamps, and more stuff in there ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
April 06 ✦ 2023
- Site theme is officially complete and functional!! Yaaaay
- Added a chatbox
will be added with every addition and update to the site from
now on
- Update box is a little bit more cute